Bandpass Filters, TV & FM Filter and RF Amplifier

Section 2

Bandpass Filters
Blue Relays || Resistors/Capacitors || Diodes/DMOS FETS || LEDs/Photos/Varicaps || Potentiometer and Parts || Bandswitch || Wire Jumper || Bandpass Coils
TV & FM Filter and RF Amplifier
Resistors and Capacitors || Coils/2N5109 || Install Wire Loops
Checking Your Work

Section 3 - First Mixer and Crystal Filter

To learn about the Bandpass Filters, read the
Circuit Details - Varicap Tuned Bandpass Filters
before building this section.

Approximate time to complete 1:20 - Picture

Bandpass Filters

____4 - Blue Relays (Bag 4), Be very careful with the part as the pins are fragile. Do not bend the pins when mounting/soldering to the PCB. Orientation does not matter, inner pins are the coil, outer pins are the relay.

1. Clean and tin the pins with solder before mounting on board to ensure a good solder joint. The pins can be difficult to solder without pre-tinning.

2. Be sure to mount the relays flush with the board. If mounted slightly off the board, the relay will flex back and forth while handling the board, and break the pins between the relay and PCB.

Solder one pin to the PCB, then hold the relay against the top side of the PCB and remelt the soldered pin to set the relay against the board. Then solder the other pins.

____5 - 100K resistors (Bag 3) (brown, black, yellow)
____2 - 1 meg (Bag 4), Next to the LEDs at the relays on the right side.
____1 - 100 ohm resistor (Bag 3) (brown, black, brown)

____7 - .01 capacitors (Bag 3)

____4 - .1 caps (Bag 4)

____3 - 1N914 diodes (Bag 4), Black band, be sure to match the band on the diode to the band on the footprint, one on each end of the filters near the middle of the board and a third in the lower left hand corner.
Bend the leads about 1/8" away from the body of the diode for easy insertion into the PCB.
____2 - VN0106N3 (Bag 2), static sensitive part, touch a ground wire before removing from the bag. Match the flat of the component to the flat on the footprint. Spread the outside leads slightly to fit the footprint. Marked "SI N, 0106, 8302".
____2 - IRFU220 (Bag 2), static sensitive part, Note thick black line on footprint, the heat sink on the part goes over the thick black line on the footprint. Marked "FU220, IR 625T,32 03"

____2 - IREDs (Bag 4), Smoky colored, on a cardboard strip, do not cut the leads off the strip, tear the IREDs off the strip and clean the bottom of the leads. Mount as high as possible, then aim to the appropriate photo receiver. They are located to the right of the output relays on the left.
____2 - MV2115 (Bag 5), Be sure to match the flat of the component to the flat on the footprint. Flat of part is colored light blue, marked "MMV 2115".
____2 - MVAM115 (Bag 5), Be sure to match the flat of the component to the flat on the footprint. Spread the leads apart to fit the footprint. Marked MVAM, 115
____2 - LEDs (Bag 3), Red color, at the left side of the relays on the right. Match flat of the LED to the footprint. The short lead is on the same side as the flat. Note: If you ordered the Super Bright LEDs, they can replace these LEDs. Use different colors so band identification will be easy. See Modifying the LEDs.
____2 - Photodiodes (incorrectly named Phototransistors) (Bag 4), Small square part with a tiny bubble on one side. Be sure to match the bubble on the part to the bubble on the footprint. Mount as high as possible straight up.

____1 - 100K Panel Mount Potentiometer (Bag 6), The three holes labeled "Filter Tune" should accept the pins of the potentiometer supplied with the kit.

DDS VFO only:
____2 - 1K (Bag 3), On both sides of the 100K pot.
____1 - Wire Jumper

Note: If the Vacker VFO is used, an IRED is placed in the IR footprint
____2 - IRED (Bag 4), Smoky colored, on a cardboard strip, do not cut the leads off the strip, tear the IR LEDs off the strip and clean the bottom of the leads. Mount high using all the lead length. Flat on part must match Flat on footprint.

Push Pot through holes, bend the end tabs over. Pull the resistors almost out of their holes and run the leads tightly through the hole in the tabs. Then bend the resistor wires over to secure pot against the bottom of PCB.

Solder and clip the leads. On the left hand tab, solder will flow into the hole of the tab, but not so much that it flows onto the ground plane. Then clip the end of the tab to prevent a short to ground. Solder the other 1K resistor leads.

Install Filter Tune Wire from Filter Tune Pot to Filter Tune Circle and 12 Volt Wire to Tune Pot

____1 - SPDT Miniature PC Mount switch (Bag 5), There is a switch footprint in front of the Bandpass Filter. There are two hole patterns. Mount the switch in the holes that fit the switch in Bag 5.

Install BPF Wire from switch to BPF Tune

____4 - T50-6 Yellow cores (Bag 4)
____3 - T37-6 Yellow Cores (Bag 4)
____Enameled wire (Bag 6)

40 to 20 Meter Bandpass Filter

____4 - T50-6 Yellow cores( Bag 4)
____3 - T37-6 Yellow Cores (Bag 4)
____Enameled Wire (Bag 6)

Install 40/20 Coils and Aim the Photo Devices

The 30 turn and 5 turn coils in the middle of the 40 to 20 meter Filter will have to be bent over to allow the Shrink Tubing to run between the Photo Devices on the board. Allow extra lead length when soldering so they can be bent over slightly.

TV & FM Filter and RF Amplifier

To learn about the TV and FM Filters, read the Circuit Details - TV & FM, Broadcast Filters before building this section.

To learn about the RF Amplifier, read the Circuit Details - High Level RF Amplifier before building this section.

Approximate time to complete 0:35 - Picture

The 4.5 MHz High Pass Filter is optional. The parts for the High Pass Filter are not included in the kit. If you live in a large metropolitan area where several high power AM stations or nearby amateur radio stations are present, you might consider installing the parts. Check out TV & FM, Broadcast Filters for information.

____6 - .01 capacitors (Bag 3)

____1 - 100 ohm resistors (brown, black, brown) (Bag 3)
____1 - 1K (Bag 3), Located above the 2N5109 transistor
____1 - 470 ohm (Bag 4), Located above the 2N5109 transistor
____2 - 300 ohm (Bag 5),
____1 - 18 ohm (Bag 6),
____1 - 56 ohm (Bag 6), Located below the 2N5109 transistor
____1 - 5.6 ohm (Bag 6), Located below the 2N5109 transistor

____2 - 120pf NPO (Bag 5), Next to the 8 turn coils. Orange colored, teardrop, labeled "121".
____2 - 100pf NPO (Bag 3), Next to the 8 turn coils. Orange color, short leads flared out, labeled "101".
____1 - 330mfd Electrolytic (Bag 4), Note - (Minus) is marked on the part, and the + (Positive) is marked on the board. Located at the upper right corner of the section.
____1 - 10mfd tantalum, 3 pin (Bag 4), Located below the relays, next to the "12 Volts" box. Orange colored, with three short pins.

____2 - T50-6 yellow cores (Bag 4)and enameled wire (Bag 6)

____1 - FT50-75 ferrite core (Bag 4) and wire (Bag 6)
Note: Only one of the Black/White wires are used.

____1 - 2N5109 Transistor and Heatsink (Bag 6), Put the heat sink on the transistor first before soldering to the PCB.

Install Wire Loops

____2 - Install two wire loops, one each in the 'Antenna' box and the 'Ground' box. Refer to the picture above.

Checking Your Work

____Place the PCB in front of a bright light. If you see light shining through any of the soldering holes, you missed a solder connection.
____Check the tab on the 2N5109 transistor.
____Check the flats on the LEDs and make sure they fit the flat on the footprint.
____Check the flats on the MV2115s and the MVAM 115.
____Check the black bands on the three 1N914 diodes.
____Use a Volt-Ohm Meter (VOM or DVM) in resistance mode and check that there is zero resistance through the coils. Place the probes away from the soldering holes to check for cold solder joints at the coils.
____Check the IRFU220s, make sure the heat sink of the part is directly above the thick black line on the footprint.
____Check the flats on the VN0106N3's, they should be facing away from each other.
____Use a Volt-Ohm Meter (VOM or DVM) in resistance mode and measure between each outside solder lug (underneath the board) of the Bandpass Tuning potentiometer, labeled "Filter Tune", and the ground plane and make sure the measured resistance is no lower than 1K. If either outside lug shows zero resistance, it is shorted to ground. Fix the solder bridge so it is not grounded.

Section 3 - First Mixer and Crystal Filter

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Last Update: 1/25/2017
Web Author: David White, WN5Y Free Website Translator